Your Individual Perspective

Your Individual Perspective

 In this weeks podcast we talk about different strokes for different folks. 

We got a couple of reviews I'm going to read to you here because I thought it was interesting. I'll start with a shout out that's a five-star game-changing review which says 'the podcast really helped me,' and explains why. The second review is one-star, and it's entitled 'Hot Air Nonsense.' 

Both people listened to the same podcast, yet their takeaways couldn’t have been more different. And that’s perfectly fine. Not every approach resonates with every person. I give them credit for listening to several of the podcasts episodes.

That got me thinking about the idea worth reminding ourselves from time to time, that we're not all identical. 

How we interact with the sport of pickleball will be different depending on who we are. Some of us will interact with it more competitively, some for exercise and others will interact with it more socially. 

Some are in a place where the understanding of the game is at a level Eight out of 10, others are at a level 5 out of 10 and that's okay in terms of just understanding the game. Additionally, there's different ways of approaching how you want to address pickleball, meaning are you going to play the game? 

Be mindful of you and what you allow into your ecosystem, and ask questions, challenge it, and make sure that it's something that is going to be additive or positive for you in your journey.

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