Turn Distractions Into a Positive
A distraction pulls our attention away from the main thing that we're trying to focus on and it could either be physical or mental.
For instance, if you're trying to paint something, and somebody keeps tapping your paint brush right on the end, it becomes hard to paint because you're distracted by it.
Same thing happens when we play pickleball and we're trying to focus on the shot or we're trying to focus on ourselves and what we need to do better the next rally but we're distracted by a number of things.
How should we approach and deal with distractions in a way that is more productive or constructive for us?
Think about challenges and distractions in pickleball as puzzles. So when you're facing a challenging opponent, good dinker/shotter or challenging situations such as the wind or sun, look at those as pieces of the puzzle.
And the more complex the puzzle is, the more challenging the game that you are playing is going to be for you.
This will help you generate more challenge for yourself and create more reward because you get to work through the challenges as you play.
At the end of the day, is that not why we play pickleball? Do we not play pickleball because of the challenge that it presents to us?
If it was easy, then you'd probably grow bored with it.
For instance, if you're trying to paint something, and somebody keeps tapping your paint brush right on the end, it becomes hard to paint because you're distracted by it.
Same thing happens when we play pickleball and we're trying to focus on the shot or we're trying to focus on ourselves and what we need to do better the next rally but we're distracted by a number of things.
How should we approach and deal with distractions in a way that is more productive or constructive for us?
Think about challenges and distractions in pickleball as puzzles. So when you're facing a challenging opponent, good dinker/shotter or challenging situations such as the wind or sun, look at those as pieces of the puzzle.
And the more complex the puzzle is, the more challenging the game that you are playing is going to be for you.
This will help you generate more challenge for yourself and create more reward because you get to work through the challenges as you play.
At the end of the day, is that not why we play pickleball? Do we not play pickleball because of the challenge that it presents to us?
If it was easy, then you'd probably grow bored with it.