Avoid the Negative from Losing at Pickleball - I will show you how

Avoid the Negative from Losing at Pickleball - I will show you how

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You never see a sad pickleball player when they win.
But when they lose? Depends, but for many a losing day is a sad (or bad, disappointing, etc.) day.
Should it be?
The answer is a resounding “No!” 
If you are like most, you have developed your sports’ mind around “win, good – lose, bad.” The reality, however, is that our relationship with sport is more nuanced than this binary good/bad framing.
At our podcast, Pickleball Therapy, we developed a re-framing of your pickleball experience around a pretty ubiquitous symbol of good: ice cream. It has helped so many players reconsider how they approach their results that it has become our most popular podcast.
The good news is that you can have all the highs that come when winning without the needless downs when you lose. It is simply a matter of shifting your perspective. And focusing on what matters – the reason you play pickleball to begin with.
In this week’s episode, we update our Bowl of Ice Cream and address objections that players sometimes raise to it when they first hear the concept.
If you have never heard Bowl of Ice Cream, treat yourself to this episode. If you are familiar with it, a refresher never hurt – plus you will get the benefit of a more seasoned presentation.
Head over to Pickleball Therapy – our weekly podcast dedicated to your pickleball mind. You can find it anywhere that podcasts are podcasted and on YouTube.

Episode Video