Focus on 1 Thing at a Time - Progress Episode

Focus on 1 Thing at a Time - Progress Episode

Hello and welcome to Pickleball Therapy, the podcast dedicated to your Pickleball improvement. This is an onsite recording of the podcast. The reason I'm recording it on site is because this is the home of our Tampa camps that we hold at Better Pickleball, that we host at Better Pickleball. And this is a reminder of how we want to improve as Pickleball players. In other words,

some of the important concepts, and the one I wanna talk to you about today is one tt that's a group. One of the groups in our camp is one TT at our camps. They, we put it on their, on their name tag. And the reason we do one tt, that's one thing at a time, and we're gonna talk about that in today's podcast.

Speaking of one thing at a time, if you're not yet a member of our Pickleball system, highly recommend you check it out. If it's the right time for you to take the plunge in your game to really improve and play your best Pickleball, join us inside the Pickleball system. It is step by step, one thing at a time, the topic of today's podcast.

So let's jump into the concept of one thing at a time. And let's just talk about, let's go outside of Pickleball for a second, and then we'll bring it into Pickleball and apply it here. So let's say that, you know, you have moved into a, a new house and you want to get it to where you want it for you.

And so you get in there and you have a list of, you know, 50 things that you want to do. You know, painting, kitchen, changing cabinet, different furniture. Maybe you wanna move a door, maybe you need a shed. You wanna do something in landscaping. I mean, you can think of everything that you would like for your house.

And you know, it's a Saturday, right? The first Saturday you're in this new house and you say, you know what, let's do everything on the list. That's nonsense, right? I mean, yeah, I, you're like, that doesn't make any sense, Tony. I agree with you, but a lot of times that's how we view our Pickleball,

right? We want to do everything at the same time. You know, we want a third shot. We wanna return serve, we wanna win more games. We want to have less errors. We want to understand what we're supposed to do in this situation, in that situation. Deal with LOBs and bangers all at the same time. I wish there was a way to package that,

right? Put it in a, in a vial and deliver it to you. Be happy to do it. You know, I'd be happy to, to give you, you know, some sort of magical salve to fix everything in the game at one time. Not realistic, right? And so what happens is, is you know, we, but we,

we, we set that for ourselves, right? We're like the homeowner that says, I'm doing everything. And then what happens is we actually don't end up doing anything, and then we're sitting there Sunday evening or the next week going like, I didn't do anything that I was supposed to do. So we start feeling bad about ourselves, right? And the same thing with Pickleball,

right? I have a list of 80 things, right? Or at least in my mind, I have all these different things I need to do. And so what happens is, now I feel terrible because I'm not doing any of them. 'cause it's impossible because I have too many things to do. And here's the kicker too. In today's day and age,

not you, you have your list, right? Whatever, whatever your list is right now, 20 to 50 things, right? Whatever it is, impeccable. And whether you have it written out or not, it's up in your brain that's working In there. It's in the back burner, just, just eating away bandwidth for you. But here's the thing,

whatever your number is, I guarantee you there's a video waiting for you on YouTube that's gonna give you two, three more, maybe five more, you know? And then you're gonna get a newsletter from somebody that's gonna say, you know what, you know what, this is really what you need. And so you're like, oh, I need that.

So let's add that to the list. So now you're not, not, not only you haven't finished the, the 20 to 50 you already have, but now you have all these other things to do. Going back to the home, it'd be like, okay, I have like my 50 things I wanna do, but you know, I'm watching htt,

HGTV or whatever the current trend is for that kind of stuff, right? And I'm sitting there and I'm like, oh, wow, the latest thing is, you know, curve sconces or something. So now I add that to my list and I never get anything done because I'm always, you know, not getting the 50 things done, plus I'm trying to,

I'm, it's always being added to, right? Because of the, the overflow, the influx of just, you know, the information out there. It's just such a overwhelming environment we live in right now. You know, it's, it's a plus because, you know, you can find almost anything you want. It's a negative because it's too much,

particularly when you're trying to work on your Pickleball game or something. That's like step by step something. That's one thing at a time as Pickleball, and that's how you're gonna get the most out of it, right? If you're always being bombarded with the latest, craziest thing you need, it's really hard to improve as a Pickleball player. And the risk is that you end up being frustrated,

right? You end up feeling like a failure because, you know, you had this idea of what you were gonna be playing like with these 50 things or 20 things, and you haven't gotten there because you haven't really processed that. It's not possible to do that. So when you, when you think about your journey as a Pickleball player, the concept of one thing at a time cannot be overstressed enough.

Now listen, you can broaden a little bit. You can do a couple of things as long as they don't overlap with each other. For example, when players leave our camp, they leave with a five step action plan. You know, so that in there we give 'em five things to do, but they're in different areas, different buckets, right?

You can't do like volley and ground struck at the same time or return of serve and, you know, and, and black volley at the same time. It's very hard to do those two things at the same time. But you can, for instance, work on your, your, your dink technique and your lateral footwork, right? Something like that,

that works. Or you're listening to Pickleball therapy, the podcast that's mental and you're working on your volley, that's fine. So they don't overlap. But the key is on the, in this process is you, you really need to start thinking about it one thing at a time. Now the, the, the next sort of, not complication, but the next thing to think about is what's the one thing that's where understanding priority is so important,

right? And again, I'm gonna put a plugin for the figure wall system. 'cause in the figure wall system, you don't have to wonder like, which one's more important than the other. We give it to you like step by step and they're in order. So the step one proceeds step two, and so on. It's not like, well, which step should I follow now?

No, just the next one on the, on the list of steps, right? It'll get you where you want to go. And what happens is, you know, we'll, we'll get a video and we'll say, oh, well that's a very powerful technique, but maybe it's a very powerful technique for pro Pickleball players who already have all the other stuff in their toolbox,

right? Maybe it's not right for Us, us right now. And, and there's a video that we did at the Intu pickup channel. I'll put a link in the show notes. And if you're watching this on YouTube, I'll put it up here that talks about the three questions you have to ask yourself before you receive information, right? Correct. Complete,

and is it right for you? And I get into it more in that, in that video. So I'm not gonna belabor it here. And by the way, if you're listening to this podcast on a podcast provider, great, fantastic Apple, Spotify, wherever you're at, if you can check it out on the pod, on the, on the YouTube as well,

we have Pickleball therapy as well, and you can subscribe to the channel if you so choose. But you know, so, so when you think about your one thing at a time, it's, it's a, it needs to be one thing at a time, not 50 things at a time. B, you gotta be really careful about, about allowing,

getting hijacked, basically, you know, we did a podcast on that, I can't remember the exact number off the top of my head, but it was at the end of the year talking about don't let your journey be hijacked. These are related concepts, meaning, yeah, don't let somebody else come in and hijack your journey. Even if you are doing one thing at a time,

you're like, you got one thing locked in, somebody else suggests something to you, and now you're like, get that locked in. Well, you're, you're letting them hijack your journey. You be the boss of your journey. If you need guidance, again, we're happy to do it inside the Pickleball system, through these types of programs like the Pickleball Therapy podcast or in our academy courses as well.

We'll give you the no nonsense actionable, this is what you need to do. But you need to, you wanna make sure that what you're working on is what's most relevant to you. So there's locking it in and not letting somebody else hijack it. And also knowing the priority, right? What is it that's going to gimme the biggest bang for my buck?

If you need, one piece of advice I can give you right now is return to serve pretty much, you know, don't pass, go, don't, don't do anything else. Return to serve solves a lot of problems in your game. And I guarantee you, you know, if you're like most players, you're probably not working on your return of serve.

It's not a criticism, it's life. I understand, you know, there's third shots, there's always other shots to that we think we need to work on. And so we bypass the return of serve and then end up playing behind the eight ball and trying to get out trouble with these other shots that we've worked on. So if you wanna work on one shot,

you're not sure what to do, return of serve is a, a good place to to start. But whatever it is that you're working on, right? Make sure that you are focusing on this one thing at a time. Avoid the temptation to have, you know, 50 things on your list because the chances are better than not that you're not working on any of the 50 things.

And you'll avoid the frustration of feeling lost out there and, and feeling like overwhelmed because you'll know that the only thing that you really need to focus on is this one thing or two things that you're currently focused on. And that if you do that, you trust the process and you say, okay, if I do this, I know that big picture,

long-term view of my game, I'm going to improve. And then the next thing that you wanna work on is still be on the list. It'll be sitting right there. You know, we like to, to think of Pickleball as being a, you know, a lifetime of learning. It's a lifelong journey of learning. As long as you remain curious as a bigger ball player,

Pickleball has something to teach you. So there's always gonna be a next thing to put behind, you know, when you're done with this thing, don't worry about running outta stuff to do. But the the flip side is That you can't do 'em all at once. And trying to do 'em all at once is a, an ineffective way of advancing in the game.

There's a quote that we really like, if you ever come to one of our camps, you're gonna hear this live because we, this is a fantastic quote. It's from the great martial artist, Bruce Lee. Rest in peace, Bruce. But the quote is this, he said, I fear not the fighter who has practiced 10,000 kicks one time, I fear the fighter who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

So imagine, you know, picture those two different fighters. You have one fighter who has tried out 10,000 kicks, but can't do any of them, right? Well, because the doesn't know how to, they only hit did 'em one time, right? All the 10,000 kicks. But then next that fight you have another fighter who doesn't have a lot of variety in their,

in their fight, in their kicks. But woo, that one kick, you know really well. That's the fight you gotta worry about. And Pickleball iss the same way. Pickleball is about doing a lot of little things better and better and better, right? And the way you do that is by locking in the one kick or the one shot, the one thing getting very good at it.

Great. Then move on to the next thing. And that's how you keep one thing at a time in your focus as you're working on your improvement. Let me know in the, send me an email at therapy at better at better Pickleball dot com therapy at better Pickleball dot com. And lemme know what kind of content you like in the podcast. Are you liking more the,

the perspective side of things? You know, that's like where we talk about bowl of ice cream and things like that. Are you enjoying the play aspect of it? Which is like when we talk about hyper-focusing on the ball, or do you like the improvement or progress side of it, which is like this video, this podcast and video where we're talking about the journey of improvement and locking in one thing at a time.

Our plan is to do all three during the podcast, but it'd be helpful to know which one you like the best, which one helps you the most and which one resonates most with you. And then be on the lookout. I don't know when this podcast will drop, but we have a book coming out on the mental side of Pickleball. I wanna make sure that you are in the know on that.

If you're on the email list inside Better Pickleball, we'll send you a notification. If you are certified as a therapist, you'll get first notice that that the book's coming out. So if you wanna become a Pickleball therapist, send me an email, same email therapy at better Pickleball dot com. Put therapist in the subject line that helps me out to identify who's asking about a therapist,

and I'll send you the information. Then you can make the decision whether becoming a therapist is right for you. As always, if you enjoy the podcast, please consider rating and reviewing it. Share with your friends. If you enjoy the podcast, they probably will too. Have a great week and I'll see you next time.

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